Any amount helps us achieve our goals.
If you would like to make a tax-deductible contribution or donate in-kind services to Station North Arts & Entertainment, Inc., please click the button below. Direct inquiries to or call 410-962-7075.
Checks should be made out to the Central Baltimore Partnership, ATTN: Station North Arts District, and sent to:
Central Baltimore Partnership
25 E. 20th St.
Baltimore, MD 21218
Station North Arts District has been generously supported by individual contributions and grants from the following funders:
National Endowment for the Arts
ArtPlace America
Robert W. Deutsch Foundation
William G. Baker Jr. Memorial Fund, creator of the Baker Artist Awards
Goldseker Foundation
Lockhart Vaughan Foundation
Johns Hopkins University
Blaustein Foundation
Aaron and Lillie Straus Foundation
Surdna Foundation
European Union National Institutes for Culture
Maryland Institute College of Art
T Rowe Price Foundation
Maryland State Arts Council
Jubilee Baltimore
Southway Builders
Abell Foundation
Timothy 618
Visit Baltimore
Baltimore Office of Promotion and the Arts
Baltimore National Heritage Area
First National Bank
Mike Shecter
Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development
Baltimore City Department of Planning
Arts for Learning
Maryland Institute College of Art
Carolyn Frenkil
Motor House
Neighborhood Design Center
The Asian Arts and Culture Center at Towson University